Tips for Taps Blog

Plumbing & Appliances

Plumbing & Appliances Articles

Lead (Pb) in drinking Water Explained

Lead (Pb) in Drinking Water: The Ultimate Guide

With lead pipes still a nationwide problem, this guide explores lead's associated health risks, sources of contamination, and advice on how to test and treat your water.

guide to lead and copper rule improvements - BLG185

What Are the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI)?

The EPA’s proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) further protect children and adults from the serious health impacts of drinking lead in tap water.

What is limescale and how do I fix it?

What’s the White Residue on My Fixtures?

What's that white buildup on your faucets and sinks—and how do you get rid of it? While limescale deposits from hard drinking water are pervasive across the US, there are...

Do I need a water softener?

Do I Need a Water Softener?

Water softeners come in handy if your water is "hard," which means it it has high levels of dissolved calcium and magnesium.

Scaling and Corrosion in Tap Water - BLG141

Scale, Corrosion, and Plumbing: What You Need to Know

Corrosion and scaling. What are they? How are they related? And what can you do to prevent expensive failures in your water pipes and fixtures?

What is the LCRR?

What Are the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR)?

What do the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) mean for you? Compliance must be met by October 16, 2024. Learn about lead service line replacements, enhanced sampling, testing in...

Which faucet filter is right for me? - BLG215

Quick Guide to Faucet Filters

Do faucet water filters really work? Here’s our unbiased look at the most popular faucet-mounted filters on the market—PUR, Brita, Waterdrop, and Culligan. Find out what the remove and what...

The Ultimate Tap Water Odor Guide

The Ultimate Tap Water Odor Guide

Whether smelly water is coming from your drain, your pipes, or your water supply, this guide has all the stinks—and their sources—covered.